Controlling the Population

Posted by Asitha Kalinga

In animal world there are certain things are happening without having specific reason.
But when we see it in outer point of view we can guess what the reason might be behind.

For an example when the population of particular animal grows high there will be alternative way to reduce it.
This might be happen due to cause of humans or other species. If its insect humans will find anti insect spray to get rid of it then it goes down.
Else some other animal will start eating until last. (When small bugs coming out from the earth lizards will have good time of eating them).
Good example is when raining season termites will come out from the earth so all most all of them will be eaten up by lizards or other.

Same way when population of humans will grow humans itself wills trying to control it else due to economic reasons or other they fight each other till one get eliminated.
This is the creation of some invincible effect exists.
Mother earth will create her own ways to reduce by creating floods, earthquakes etc which beyond the control of humans.

As I have read during my school days earth creation and dieing is a quite interesting topic in our studies.
I can see the starting of dieing exactly same as what mentioned in those old books. I will be able to describe of this topic in my next posting.


  1. iZack.Chin said...

    Yes, i agree what u saying. This is the cycle of life.
    But the problem is, who will be sacrifice ? you or me or .......

    Let GOD choose...

  2. Asitha Kalinga said...

    You have use the correct word “Sacrifice” means we know what is there and we commit on it. right?
    So if we know there’s something to be sacrifice cant we reverse the process and not being sacrifice ourselves on this?
    It’s easy, don’t wait for ‘Earth Day’ … everyday is earth day we are here because of earth is there.
    If we care the earth, we get good returns back. At least everyone think of planting a tree in every birthday this world will become greener.

  3. iZack.Chin said...

    rubbish is major concern to shorten the life of the earth. even we know this, but why people still simply throw it ... the 1st and main thing to do is educate people and the society and learn what is the meaning of "CLEAN" or "GREEN"